Sunday, October 11, 2009

Walking Field Trip to Wight's Fort Cemetery

Last Friday the weather for this Thursday's walking field trip looked questionable. We made a decision to move the field trip to this Tuesday the 13th. I just checked the forecast and it now looks like Tuesday will be questionable and Thursday will be the better day. LOOK FOR A FLYER TO KNOW FOR SURE WHEN WE ARE GOING. Parent volunteers we hope you can still come whenever we are able to go.

The great thing about this field trip is that is is very enjoyable but has no costs involved. We are also able to adjust as needed for the weather. We hope you will bear with us and understand.

This week's keyword is in two parts. The first part you will find here and the second part you will have to look further for.
First Part "Columbus - "


This is the third week working on silent e words. This week's words will be with the long o sound.

As you read with your child or when you are just talking with them you could check your child's understanding of the silent e principle by asking a couple of questions:
Is this vowel long or short?
If it is long what causes it to have it's long sound?
What would the word be if we added an e to the end of the word?
What would the word be if we took the ending e away?

If you see your child write a word like "want" as "wante" - ask them what the word is? Is the vowel long or short? What does the e do to the word? Why did they put the e at the end?


The next two weeks we will be working on Fact Families. (We begin this with an activity called "House and Swamp". It also teaches the difference between the = and the not equal sign.) We will be building numbers with tens and ones, making a giant 100's chart, using base ten blocks, and learn math fact strategies (these are to help them know an easy way to figure out the addition or subtraction if they haven't memorized or have forgotten, the math fact.) If we have time we will also work with number strings and see if we are faster than a calculator. I am trying to help them build some basic skills that I see many of them are lacking at this point.


We will be reading the book "The Principal's New Clothes". I left the word list at school but I know two of the words are: imposter and trickster. I will post the remainder of the words later. These are some fun words to be learning just before Halloween.

I hope you have been having fun seeing how the children are learning these new vocabulary words. It is exciting to see them understanding and using the words.


This week we will be doing some activities related to Columbus Day. Then we will do some activities related to harvesting. They will write a story about a scarecrow and make a neat project representing the life cycle of a pumpkin. We may also do a fun - "Snug as a Bug in the Leaves" project.

The second part is " - 1492"

The school will be sending a note telling you how you can sign up online for your Parent Teacher Conference appointment with me on either Wed. Oct. 21st or Thurs. Oct. 22nd. I am looking forward to meeting with each and every one of you to discuss your child's progress.

I hope to see some of you for the field trip.
Have a great week.


  1. I remember doing that field trip with your class while I went to SLCC! That was fun! I wish I could be there to go with you and help! I do love cemeteries. :) I hope the weather cooperates and you have a good time!

  2. Liz, I noticed you are using the scholastic guided reading books for your leveled groups. How do you know which level to look at. I just signed up for it yesterday to get just right books for my kindergarteners but don't understand how to search. Please let me know!!!
