Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Weather is Changing

Please send a jacket or coat with your child to school everyday. They will go outside for lunch recess and afternoon recess and need access to a jacket or coat everyday.

Please remember to look through the book orders that I sent home last Thursday. If you need me to keep ordered books for you (to keep secret for gifts) just let me know and I can do that for you. Book orders are due on Tuesday October 26th.

This last week we started our reading groups where I teach the children reading skills in small groups. We learned a game called "Guess the Covered Word". It really is a set of strategies that students can use to help them decode difficult words they may encounter in their reading. When they come to a word in their reading that they are not sure of they should:
1- look at the picture for a clue,
2- look at and think of the beginning sound in the word
3- make sure that any word they guess that might go in the sentence MAKES SENSE with what they are reading about,
4- think about the length of the word ( John likes to play _______. You might guess tag or tennis. The length of the word is a clue to let you know which might more likely be correct.),
5- think about the ending sound in the word
6- see if there are any little words you already know inside the bigger word you don't know.

If they will use these strategies they likely will be able to come up with the word they are struggling with. As a parent listening to your child read you can prompt them to use these clues like this. Did you look at the picture for a clue? What sound does the word begin with? What word would make sense in the sentence? That's a good guess and it will make sense in the sentence but look at how long the word is? Could it be your word? Do you see any little words you know in the big word?

You don't have to ask all of the questions each time. Give them no more that three clues then tell them the difficult word. Don't let them become frustrated with the reading. Remember the 5 finger rule: If they miss 5 words or more on a page then the book is too difficult for them. In this case you read the book to them and find an easier book for them to read to you.

This week we learned about the Almost Doubles Strategy. If two numbers are next door neighbors on the number line like 3 and 4 or 8 and 9 you can find the sum of the two numbers by doubling the smaller number and adding one. You can also find the sum by doubling the larger number and subtracting one.

This week they will be looking for Doubles and Almost Doubles in subtraction problems. This will be like 16 - 8 = If you know that 8+8 = 16 then you will know the answer to this subtraction problem. If the problem is 17 - 8 = If you know that 8 + 8 = 16 and 17 is one more than that then you know that 8 + 9 = 17 so 17 - 8 = 9.

This week we will be working with skip counting, odd and even numbers and addition with three numbers. We will also explore use of the not equal sign. Children are to decide which number sentence is represented in a story problem and be able to write a story problem when given a number sentence. The story problem must end with a correct question.

We will also be measuring a scarecrow with candy corn and making a graph we derive from colored goldfish data.

Each of the students is trying to finish up the publishing of their first major story which is about a scarecrow. Come see their scarecrow stories and artwork on the bulletin board.

This week we will be reading a book entitled "Grandpa's Teeth". The vocabulary words we will be working on learning are:
Please try to use these words at home and notice if your child notices them and tells you it is one of their vocabulary words.

We will be studying the different ways that we can spell the long a sound. It can be spelled with
ai -- usually in the middle of a word
ay -- usually at the end of a word
/a/ (consonant) (silent e)-- as in name

I hope your student has been singing the song "Witches Brew" to you. It is such a fun song. This week they will each make up their own verse to the song.

We are quickly approaching the end of the first grading period and Parent/Teacher conferences which will be on Wednesday and Thursday November 10th and 11th. Please go online to schedule your own time for this conference. I am looking forward to meeting with each of you and discussing your child's strengths and needs.

I hope you have a great week. I am looking forward to seeing many of you on Friday for the Halloween parade and party. Thank you for all each of you do to help your child, our class and me. I couldn't do this job without great parent helpers.

The keyword for this week is "Jack-O-Lantern".

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back From Fall Recess

I hope you all had a great time over Fall Recess. I attended the UEA Convention on Friday and have been alternating between spending time with my family and cleaning house.

This week we will begin Guided Reading Groups. I will teach reading to small groups while the other students are engaged in center activities. Some of those activities are spelling practice and phonics activities that will help the students with their spelling. This Guided Reading time is the most important time for volunteer parents to be in the classroom. They help to answer questions and to assist students while I am teaching the small reading groups.

We are continuing our study of the diagraphs- th, sh, ch, ph, and wh. These may be used at either the beginning or at the end of words. Please help your child study their spelling words. The test will be this Thursday the 21st.

Last week we read two books - "Two of Everything" and "Double Trouble". They were the same folk tale but told in the setting of different cultures, one hispanic and one Chinese. They were about a magic pot that doubled everything that was put into it. We then had a fun experience with my magic pot. It also doubled everything that was put into it. We let these experiences lead us into learning about doubles. The students are now working on memorizing their doubles facts. The cards I sent home only go up to 10+10 but I really would like the students to learn a lot more doubles facts. These will help a lot as they move into more advanced math. Please help them work on all of the math fact cards that I have sent home.

We are also still trying to help all the students to understand how to use fact families. When you know 3+4=7 it can help you when you are trying to figure out 7-4= .
Following the first Block Math Test there are still 10 students who scored below 70%. I would hope to have all students above 70% in all areas of math before the end of the year. Please take little moments to let your student count some money or tell you the time. These things will help your student.

We have read the book "Picnic at Mudsock Meadows". The vocabulary we are working on from this book are the following words:
Please try to use these words around the house and see if your child picks up on hearing it and then talk about what it means.

In PE we have been working on strength, flexibility and endurance. We walk and run laps around the gym, we do some exercises and stretches and we also play games that involve running, throwing, catching, following rules, and being good sports.

Please help your student continue to observe and draw the moon on a nightly basis. This is the first time that the night sky and moon phases has been part of the 2nd grade curriculum. It is new information to the students and will be fun for them to talk with you about what is happening in the night sky.(We can't have that exact experience with the children so we appreciate you taking time to help your child with this part of the learning process.

This week is Red Ribbon Week. It is a time to focus on making commitments to stay away from drugs and other harmful substances. On Monday the students are to wear red and I will let them write with a red pen all day. The schedule for the rest of the week was sent home last week and can also be found on the school web page.

The keyword for this week is "Hunt for Red October". It is one of my favorite movies but the kids won't get that. They will just be thinking of red leaves during the month of October.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reds and Orange, Apples and Pumpkins

What a great time we had on our walking field trip. The weather was beautiful and the kids had fun learning. The students are making a lunch sack journal about what they experienced during the field trip. You will want to check it out during Parent Teacher Conferences. (It will be in the students' portfolios.) Thanks to each and every parent and grandparent who came with us. You did an awesome job helping the kids have a super time.

Also a big thank you goes to our "Spelling Moms" who came to the classroom while we were on the field trip and corrected the spelling tests for us.

While we are talking about great parent helpers I want to thank all of you who have been coming in and helping in the classroom and for those who have helped by sending in boxes of tissues and baggies and items for the token store. An extra thank you goes out to Brooke Robertson for helping to organize the volunteers and for assembling the lunch sack journals for our class and Mrs. Douglass' class. That truly was going the extra mile to help us.

One of the parents from the school is donating 800 pumpkins to the kids in the school. She will deliver them on Monday October 4th. Students will take the pumpkins home and decorate them at home. NO CARVING THE PUMPKINS as they will spoil. Look for the orange paper giving ideas for decorating. Decorated pumpkins are to be returned to the school on OCTOBER 11TH. They will be judged and prizes will be awarded. (PM Kindergarten classes will bring their decorated pumpkins to school on Oct. 9th.)

I will be finishing up the individual reading assessments this week. I will begin Guided Reading groups on October 18th. That is when I teach the students in small groups. We should be able to help the students make some good progress in their reading skills then.

We will work on Decoding the words - Accuracy, Fluency- reading with expression, speed and smoothness, and Comprehension - understanding what they read. I work with the groups on their own reading level. Each day we focus on different elements of reading based on the needs of these readers.

We are trying to finish up our first block this week. We will continue our learning about the 100's number chart and using it for addition and subtraction. We are working on solidifying our understanding of Fact Families and Turn Around Facts (Commutative Property). When working with the Fact Families kids sometimes do something like this:
5+3=8 These are the Fact Family equations for 3, 5, and 8

8+3=5 This is what some children try but it is not a true fact. This is a great time to teach them the not equal sign ≠


We will also be having a few more experiences with Data Collection and Graphing, skip counting patterns and writing story problems.

Please, keep working with your child on the math facts cards that I have sent home. I will be sending home another set, adding doubles, very soon. Also thanks for playing the math games with your child. It helps them learn in a fun way and will also help you see what they know and what they still need help with.

We will be reading a book called "Possum's Harvest Moon". The vocabulary words we will work with are:

Please try to use these words at home during the week and see if the students notice them.

This week is a most important week in spelling. Most of the children have learned the patterns of spelling with short vowels. This week we begin with long vowels. The first rule they learn is about the silent e. It is extremely important that they really understand this principle this week. Compare words with and without the silent e with them often during the week. Examples:
hid, becomes hide
hat becomes hate
bit becomes bite
not becomes note
twin becomes twine etc.

This week's keyword is "Pumpkins". Please write it on the top of your child's yellow tracking sheet for them to earn 3 tokens. Thanks for reading the blog and being interested in your child's education.